Green Schools' Committee
Green Schools is a society made to make the world a better place. It teaches students to learn about protecting the planet. You can make a difference even with small things like: putting your litter in the right bin; cycling or walking to school when you can; or trying to reduce plastic.
This year so far we have put signs on all the bins showing which packets or food goes in each bin. We are aiming to get our first green flag next year. We have taught the whole school about the importance of recycling.
To find out more about Green Schools on their official website, click below.
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Green-schools was introduced to All Saints' in 2021. Green-Schools is an international environmental education programme where students can take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day to day running of the school. Green-Schools covers a total of 6 different environmental themes from Litter and Waste to conserving energy. In September, pupils from 1st to sixth class are selected to represent the green schools committee. Over the last two years, the children have been working towards achieving our first green flag for the theme of 'Litter and Waste'. The children meet every fortnight to discuss the issues associated with the theme and how they can make simple, yet effective changes in our school. The Green- Schools programme gives students a voice on making positive changes to the environment around them while also building students confidence and sense of citizenship.
The Green-Schools programme is a seven step process.
Step 1: Setting up a Green-Schools committee
Step 2: Environmental Review
Step 3: Action Plan
Step 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
Step 5: Curriculum Work
Step 6: Involving and Informing
Step 7: Green Code
The pupils of All Saints' NS are working their way through the steps and are now on step 4 of the process. Monitoring and Evaluating our changes so far takes time and may require other changes to be made. The committee members have also created a Green-Schools code which demonstrates the schools commitment to environmentally friendly actions. We hope to achieve our first Green School flag by 2024.